Post by thesupernamekian on Dec 30, 2017 16:15:07 GMT -6
Post by kirkymonster1983 on Dec 30, 2017 18:41:39 GMT -6
Those come up in french and sometmes ebay auctions from Spain. Try searching for DragonBall 15cm or however tall you think the figures are and you can find al kinds of cool stuff. I would go so far as to say that lot is expensive if you have all the others. Hercule I have only seen carded though so he does make that lot enticing.
Post by doomprevails88 on Jan 1, 2018 14:37:32 GMT -6
Thats part of the 2002(ish) AB,(GP/Kidbiz) blue card legend is here release. The set includes non blasting energy figures of early saga characters like; Krillin, first form Freeza, Piccolo, Vegeta and Goku and regular figures like; Korin w/staff, Yajorobe w/sword, Bulma from DragonBall season 5, Chichi from end of DBZ, Hercule Satan, Gohan w/sword in his original outfit, a shirtless Goku, an awesome Yamcha, Nappa, Radditz and presumably Kami...perhaps I am forgetting some. I imagine we have a checklist here in the "Other International Figures Checklists".
EDIT: and a really cool Master Roshi w/staff and shell in the yellow shirt
Post by Branjita on Jan 3, 2018 12:14:51 GMT -6
Thanks to DBT's forums going dead and then DBT Proboards being deleted by Mike, I have less of an idea of when those were released than I did 10 years ago. My memory is fuzzy now. I'd like to say they were released in France around 2004. All of those ~2004 AB (sometimes Giochi Preziosi branded) figures are pretty uncommon. And apparently nobody has ever seen a Kami in the package for some odd reason. Here's Mr. Satan in the package. www.ebay.com/itm/Dragon-Ball-Z-Mr-Satan-Hercule-Action-Figure-Dragonball-DBZ-Jakks-Irwin-AB-Toys/292385460522?hash=item441388112a:g:NvQAAOSwknJX0wdRYou'll notice that this is the AB version. It has no logo on the front of the package, but has the AB logo on the top left of the back of the package and a Giochi Preziosi logo on the bottom of the back side of the card and it is kind of centered on the bottom. The packaging, to my knowledge, was originally created by Kidz Biz, which was a company that sold AB rereleases in the UK. I don't remember what time range they did that. I would guess around 2000 to 2001. Kidz Biz, to my knowledge, did not release or rerelease the ~2004 AB figures. They only released a very limited selection of the original AB figures from the 1990s, and some of them have slight (to major) color differences from other releases. (The Kibitoshin is much different from the AB release in color). You'll notice that Kidz Biz has their logo on the top right of the front side of the package and then the AB logo appears on the back side on the top left, and Kidz Biz appears on the top right of the back side. Then, to make matters even more confusing (especially for a collector like myself, who lives in the US and never lived in Europe) many of the original AB figures were rereleased by Giochi Preziosi in Italy, possibly France, possibly Germany, and possibly other European countries. Giochi Preziosi also definitely released the ~2004 AB figures as well, and rereleased some Jakks figures, maybe some Irwin figures, definitely some Bandai Super Battle Collection figures, and figures entirely of their own design as well. Their packaging for these rereleases looks the same as above, but they have their green logo on the top right of the front of the package, the AB logo on the top left of the back, and their green logo on the top right of the back. Depending on what country the figure was found in, the information printed on the bottom can be a variety of things. You'll notice the fun part about this rerelease of AB SS3 Goku is that he has painted eyebrows!
Post by Adrenaline on Jan 3, 2018 13:31:06 GMT -6
I have that Krillin. One of the few accurately 5 inch scaled and normal-sized-head Krillin figures around.
On another note, someone should repaint the AB Mr.Satan. I have never seen anyone do that.